Quality Assessment of Ground Water Collected From the Libyan Areas (Grapolly And Gasir Alakhiar Regions)
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Published: 11 June 2018 | Article Type :Abstract
Six underground wells water samples were collected, three from Grapolly region and another three from Gasir Alakhiar region. The following tests were performed to them : pH number , electrical conductivity , total hardness , chloride content , total dissolved solids (TDS) and compared with the world health organization specifications (WHO) . It was found that the pH of the Grapolly samples, was not within the range recommended by WHO (6.1-6 .4) less than (6 .5- 8.5).Also the pH of Gasir Alakhiar samples was within the rage (6.1- 6 .3), which was less than the [WHO] specifications. The TDS for the Grapolly and Gasir Alakhiar samples was found (8.16-8.89ppm) (2.56-2.79ppm) respectively, both ranges are less than the [300 –1500 ppm] recommended by WHO. The conductivity of Grpolly and Gasir samples was found (12 .45 –14.5, µ S), (3.76 -4 .88 µ S), which fit the WHO specification. The total hardness values for Grapolly and Gasir samples were (420 - 580 ppm), (380 -408 ppm) respectively. Both of them are within the range of WHO [300 –1500 ppm]. The chloride ion concentration for the water samples of both regions was found (25 -200 ppm) fitting the WHO specifications. Generally, the underground water from both regions was found valid for drinking to WHO standard specifications.
Keywords: TDS, Conductivity, Total Hardness, Chloride Concentration, Ph.

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How to Cite
Mohamed Alzuabir Almaleeh, Mohamed Ezeldin, Suliman Naser and Omer A.Gouda. (2018-06-11). "Quality Assessment of Ground Water Collected From the Libyan Areas (Grapolly And Gasir Alakhiar Regions)." *Volume 2*, 2, 25-28